As you may have noticed, we've been away from market and our blog for a couple of weeks. It's a busy time of year for us, especially this year as Jerremie participated in a water harvesting course. I've been canning, drying and preserving our vegetables for the winter as well as taking care of our little ones.
We are happy to say that we will be at market for the last two weeks, with tons of potatoes in tow. Our potato plants have finished growing, and we have let the potatoes harden off for two weeks. This means that our long storing varieties (German Butterball, Russet Burbank & Purple Viking) have developed a nice thick skin that will make it easier for them to last through the winter and into the spring. In previous years, we have been able to keep these varieties into April and still enjoy them!
If you are interested in getting a bunch of potatoes to store for the winter, please email us or comment on this post. We can give our bulk orders a discount!