Tuesday, August 21, 2012

To Market, To Market - August 23 plus How to Make Gnocchi

Our potatoes are coming along nicely and this week we will have seven different potato varieties at market! They are: Red Norlands, Purple Viking, Russian Blue, Dakota Pearl, German Butterball, Lindzer Deleketess, and All Red. More info on these varieties are available on our website: www.urbansunflower.ca.

Our lucky CSA customers will be getting Dakota Pearl potatoes for their baskets this week. Try my gnocchi recipe adapted from Biba's Italian Kitchen.

Basic Gnocchi Recipe
makes two generous servings or four small servings
1 pound of floury potatoes, like Dakota Pearl or Russet Burbank
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 large egg, lightly beaten in a small bowl
approx. 1 cup of all-purpose flour

1. Peel potatoes and put them in a pot of water. Boil them until you can poke a knife of skewer through them. Be careful not to overboil them.
2. Drain the potatoes and mash them thoroughly with a potato masher or fork. You can also put them through a potato ricer or a food mill for an extra smooth texture.
3. Put the potatoes in a large bowl and season with salt.
4. Mix in the egg and 3/4 cups of the flour. Mix it all together until the dough begins to stick together.
5. Transfer the mixture to a wooden board and knead lightly, gradually adding flour until the dough stops sticking to the board and to your hands. It should feel like smooth, pliable and just a bit sticky.
6. Divide the dough into quarters. Roll each quarter into a long strip with your hands, then cut the strip into 1-inch pieces. Poke each piece with your thumb to make a little dent in it.
7. Put the pieces on a lightly floured platter or cookie sheet. You can cook it right away or store it in the fridge for several hours.

To Cook the Gnocchi:
Bring a large pot of water to a boil and add 1 tablespoon of salt and the gnocchi. Cook uncovered, over high heat until the gnocchi rise to the surface of the water, approx. 1-2 minutes. Remove them with a slotted sppoon and toss with a little olive oil and grated Parmigiano cheese or with your favourite sauce.